Origo Dashboard Connector
Origo Dashboard Connector
Origo Dashboard Connector
The Pensions Dashboards Programme has given clear timescales for pension providers and administrators to connect to the pensions dashboard. This is a complex task, so we are launching Origo Dashboard Connector, a comprehensive and cost-effective way for providers and administrators to connect to the pensions dashboard – often referred to as an ‘ISP’, to make this simple and straightforward.
The service’s design draws on our experience in the financial services market and we have built Origo Dashboard Connector to enable pensions providers and administrators to quickly respond to consumers’ pension data requests and provide valuations data at any time of day, every day of the year.
By using our service you can outsource the burden of facing off to the significant demands that connecting to the pensions dashboard will place on you. We are here to take the concern and pain out of connecting, and ensure all your SLAs are met. Our solution is compliant, keeps your customer data secure, and your costs down.
A key component of connecting to the pensions dashboard is data matching. This is where Origo Dashboard Connector (ODC) Matching Toolkit comes in. Our Matching Toolkit is designed for pension providers to take away the burden of undergoing data matching during the already resource-intensive process of connecting to the pensions dashboard. Click here for more information.
Learn more about our solution by speaking with our team of experts.
How it works
Origo Dashboard Connector provides three distinct services:
- Connect - The first provides the Connector to the pensions dashboard central digital architecture, securely and compliantly.
- Find - The second responds to the individual’s request to know if a company has a policy in their name. This is Origo Dashboard Connector’s Find service. This can be customised to meet each provider’s data matching preferences.
- View - The final element, the View service, enables the secure holding of valuation data which can then be provided to the pensions dashboard in response to the consumer’s request.
This service will hold selected data in the cloud, using the highly secure Amazon Web Services, with full SIEM and SOC capability*. When individuals make a request via the dashboard, this service will check automatically against the provider’s pensions data and highlight when they have a positive match.
Providers can choose whether they want simply to connect to the pensions dashboard, or add the Find and the View service. With the full service, when a request comes in, the Origo Dashboard Connector will deal with it in full without any input from the provider or administrator. All the provider or administrator has to do, is to regularly update the data available to Origo Dashboard Connector.
* SIEM = Security Information Event Management / SOC = Security Operations Centre
Benefits of the service

Get started now
Our Chief Commercial Officer, Richard Clark, can talk you through the finer details of how our service will work, to make sure you're connected securely, and on time. Get in touch today.
Pensions Dashboards Programme
We are delighted and excited to be part of the group of providers helping to deliver pensions dashboards. We are providing the pension finder service and the consent and authorisation service, two elements of the digital architecture that will make pensions dashboards work.
Find out more about our involvement in the Pensions Dashboards Programme here.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does an Integrated Service Provider (ISP) bring to us instead of an inhouse build?
Put simply, our ISP, Origo Dashboard Connector is a ready-made solution. It is cheaper, faster and less risk for your customers.
The code needed to connect is complex and requires rigorous testing, which we have perfected over the past few years. If starting this in-house the lead time in understanding user managed access (UMA), the complex coding and testing required will be long and costly.
The UK Pensions Dashboards Programme (PDP) user-managed access (UMA) profile is technically sophisticated – we have removed the risk and extended lead time for you by providing a ready made solution that is available 24/7.
What is our expected support model?
The system (if using Connect/Find/View) is available 24/7 with help desk support available to you in normal business hours. The operational running of the system will have out of hours call-out support, as required.
What reporting and MI would be available from your ISP Service?
We will produce reports as required by the Pensions Dashboards Programme (PDP) and Regulators for the ecosystem governance and we can also produce bespoke MI from our ISP Origo Dashboard Connector.
How would data be secured within the overall solution?
The data will be segregated and secured behind Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud infrastructure with the public APIs protected with advanced firewalls and participation in the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).