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Unipass Agency Management

Unipass Agency Management

Unipass Agency Management

Unipass Agency Management helps platforms and providers manage their agency relationships with financial advice businesses. In doing so, it removes paperwork and duplication of effort, by enabling advice businesses to communicate with all the platforms and providers on the service at the same time. The Agency Registration part of the service enables advice firms to apply for terms of business. The Agency Administration part enables advice firms to update essential details such as change of membership, change of address or change of bank account, and to close agency relationships or manage novations.

Apply for Terms of Business

Why spend the time painstakingly applying for terms of business individually when you can do it with multiple providers all in one place. In just a few clicks you’ve registered with as many providers as you want.

Manage your Business

Save valuable time and effort when you use our Agency Administration service. You can easily manage changes to your agency set-up, request additional codes, change address, change of bank accounts and much more.

Unipass Identity

Unipass Identity is a secure, simple-to-use digital identity that allows financial advisers to effortlessly log in to the web services of any Unipass enabled provider or platform.


Designed specifically for financial services firms, Unipass Mailock enables providers, platforms and advisers to communicate easily and securely. Seamless integration with around 43,000 Unipass Identity holders ensures only the intended recipients can open your email.

Unipass Letter of Authority

A one stop shop for Letters of Authority. Discover a flexible, secure, slick approach with Unipass Letter of Authority. With Unipass Letter of Authority, providers can spend less time dealing with different LoA request formats and advisers can spend more time focusing on giving their new clients a better start to the financial advice process.