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Pensions Dashboards

Pensions Dashboards

Pensions Dashboards Programme

We are delighted and excited to be part of the group of providers helping to deliver pensions dashboards. Currently in development, the pensions dashboards will help individuals see their pensions information securely, online and in one place, to support more people in the UK to engage with their financial future.

Aims and benefits

Pensions dashboards will improve consumer outcomes, by ensuring that they can:

Make more informed retirement savings decisions

Engage with their financial future

Access their pensions information, easily and securely online in one place

Our contribution

We have been committed to the pensions dashboards project since it was announced in the 2016 Budget. We are convinced that pensions dashboards will be a major and much needed information facility for consumers, helping them to make more informed decisions about their retirement saving and improving consumer outcomes.

We are providing the pension finder service and the consent and authorisation service, two elements of the digital architecture that will make pensions dashboards work. These digital elements will facilitate the fundamental policy objective of the initiative; to support more people in the UK to engage with their financial future.

How it will work

The pension finder service and the consent and authorisation service will enable individuals using a pensions dashboard to securely provide the consent to find their pensions, and also to control which dashboards can access their data and display it for them.

Should dashboard users want to seek advice or guidance on their retirement saving, the technology will enable individuals to grant and revoke access for approved persons, such as financial advisers or guidance personnel at the Money and Pensions Service, to view their data.

Our approach

It is important that individuals find the service smooth and easy-to-use, so we will develop the user experience for the consent management element of pensions dashboards, based on user research provided by the Pensions Dashboards Programme (PDP).

Our technology will also integrate with a PDP approved identity service.

The final piece of the jigsaw is securely connecting multiple dashboard providers and all the data providers (ie the companies that administer people’s data for pension providers and schemes) to the digital architecture. Origo will provide the underlying security management features, known as a public key infrastructure, which will ensure that only trusted organisations can connect to the pensions dashboards ecosystem.

To help dashboard providers and data providers in how they connect to the central digital architecture, Origo is developing reference material, such as code and documentation to assist providers, both during and after the build phase of the project. A test sandbox is also being delivered so that dashboard providers and data providers can prove their connection capabilities prior to going live and having met PDP approval criteria.

In essence, the work we are undertaking on the pension finder service and the consent and authorisation service, will integrate with the providers of the pensions data and pensions dashboards themselves, to give individuals the ability to find and view their pensions, plus control over who can access this information.

What stage is the project at?

For the latest information on how the project is progressing, visit the Pensions Dashboards Programme website.

Get in Touch

If you would like to find out more, or if you have a few questions, please get in touch.

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