Unipass Transfer Tracking
Unipass Transfer Tracking
Unipass Transfer Tracking
Available to all Unipass registered users, our new Beta service, Unipass Transfer Tracking, allows advisers to conduct a real-time search on the status of pension cash and annuities transfers being processed through the Origo Transfer Service.
Benefits for Advisers
Advisers will be able to track and view the status of clients' transfers in real-time, at any time. Reducing chaser calls, improving efficiency for the adviser, and enhancing the customer experience for clients.
Save time, effort and resource.
If you have a Unipass Identity, you can log into the Unipass Portal and get started straight away.
Available at any time, 24 hour accessibility.
Benefits for Providers
By providing real-time transfer status updates to advisers, Unipass Transfer Tracking will enhance transparency and significantly reduce the number of enquiries and follow-up calls providers have to deal with.
How does it work?
Advisers will be able to access the Beta service through their Unipass account following the below steps:
- Once the adviser has authenticated with their Unipass Identity, they will be taken to the new My Account page
- Select the Unipass Transfer Tracking tile to be taken to service.
- Once the Adviser has entered the Unipass Transfer Tracking service, they will be able to conduct a search for a single client or transfer by entering the mandatory fields.
- The service will conduct a search on the Origo Transfer Service to
find a match.